Tienes 3 segundos? los acabas de perder, tenemos tanto que ver y solo dos ojos cobardes que se cierran cada 20 segundos

domingo, octubre 30, 2005

::: Epilogo ::: Posted by Picasa

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...
Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.
Anónimo dijo...

Hi irving, this is my last visit on the 'net for now - I'm tired. I found this post by accident as I'm searching on forex currency trading beginner but I got fed up with that and I've been roaming about just reading what takes my fancy. Good blog you have here, I enjoyed my visit. Have a great day and it's back to forex currency trading beginner searches for me tomorrow.

Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Hi irving, oh dear, I'm getting sqaure eyed here - must have been spending too much time reading blogs and currency forex learn online trading information. I'm supposed to be looking for currency forex learn online trading items but I find it all too easy just to click 'Next' and just see anything which is how I came to this post. Some blogs I just skip through but I spent a while here. Ciao.

Anónimo dijo...

Greetings irving, I'm looking for information and chat about currency forex learn online trading and came across your site. There are some views in this post that I can take on board. I used currency forex learn online trading as one of my search terms which is how I came to visit your site. Enjoyed the read, I'll make note to come back again.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi irving, oh dear, I'm getting sqaure eyed here - must have been spending too much time reading blogs and currency trading tutorial information. I'm supposed to be looking for currency trading tutorial items but I find it all too easy just to click 'Next' and just see anything which is how I came to this post. Some blogs I just skip through but I spent a while here. Ciao.

Anónimo dijo...

G'day irving, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my intended brief time visiting blogs looking for currency trading platform items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use currency trading platform as a search term but then I might miss places such as this post. Besides which working all the time is boring.

Anónimo dijo...

Greetings irving, I'm looking for information and chat about currency trading recommendation and came across your site. There are some views in this post that I can take on board. I used currency trading recommendation as one of my search terms which is how I came to visit your site. Enjoyed the read, I'll make note to come back again.